In case you haven't seen this photo at the end of my book yet, let's get introduced. Howdy! My name is Terryn, but all of my friends call me T.J.
(''What does the J stand for,'' you ask? Wouldn't you like to know, you with all the questions!) and I am the creator of The Descoones Series. As of
the time you're reading this, I currently have one book to my name, with the second
installation coming in winter of 2025 and hopefully many more in the future!
I grew up in Renfrew, Ontario, Which I initially really hated. I think most kids have that inate desire to go out and see the world when they live
in a small town. Then, when I was a little older, I spent a few years in Ottawa at Algonquin College for animation and illustration. Turns out, I hated that even more!
The big city is not a kind place for a soft-spoken autistic girl fresh out of high school. While I went through many bad things and I never got my diploma, I
learned many valuable lessons about life that I apply every single day. Namely, I now understand why so many country kids want to get outta dodge: there's
nothing to do!
In the city, there's programs and activities of all kinds for kids to try out and engage with. In a small Canadian town, if you aren't into sports, you're
pretty much screwed. When where you live has nothing to entice you, you get bored. And when you get bored, you make stupid, rash decisions, like I did at the
first chance of freedom I got!
Someone way smarter than me (who it turns out wasn't actually Ghandi) once said that we should be the change we wish to see in the world. Thus, I now try
my hardest to collaborate with the local community, including schools, library programs and charity events, to make this town a great place for a kid to be a kid.
My books are but one of these contributions. I want to inspire not just the children of Renfrew, but all small town Canadian children with the idea that
they can get their name out there and do great things, as long as they never give up and try their very best.
Currently Reading: Iron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhao, Gallant - V.E. Schwab Favourite Bands: Rush, GWAR, Tool, Crown Lands, Ghost, Starbomb Favourite Shows: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Delicious In Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi), Dr. STONE, Dragon Ball Favourite Movies: Gerald's Game, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pink Floyd's The Wall
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